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Citizen Science Zurich


Our members form the base of Citizen Science Zurich. They assemble once a year in the General Assembly to discuss central issues. There are three membership forms:

  • Full membership is open  toprofessors/ heads of research groups based at the two founding institutions (University of Zurich and ETH Zurich).
  • An extraordinary membership is open to PostDocs and PhD students of the two founding institutions.
  • Interested researchers from other universities or public-legal institutions as well as citizens can join Citizen Science Zurich as Associate Members.

The General Assembly is composed of full, associate and extraordinary members, whereby only full members are entitled to vote. Extraordinary and associate members have a right of proposal to the General Assembly.

Researchers at both University of Zurich and ETH Zurich have a strong track record in Citizen Science, participatory research, and Citizen Science-related fields such as artificial intelligence, social science, and law. Our academic members represent a community of over 1000 researchers.

Are you interested in becoming a member and in shaping the future of Citizen Science together with us? Contact Alessandro Rearte.

  • Member Testimonial Jacobi
  • Testimonial Members Martin


  • Norman Backhaus, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Geography
  • Abraham Bernstein, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Informatics
  • Balthasar Bickel, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Linguistik Zentrum Zürich
  • Nikola Biller-Andorno, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Inst. of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine
  • Nicholas Bokulich, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Inst. of Food, Nutrition and Health
  • Lauren Clack, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Inst. for Implementation Science in Health Care
  • Volker Dellwo, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Inst. für Computerlinguistik
  • Andreas Diekmann, Prof. em. Dr. – ETH, Dep. of Humanities, Social and Pol.Sc.
  • Adrian Egli, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil. – UZH, Inst. für Medizinische Mikrobiologie
  • Mareile Flitsch, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Völkerkundemuseum
  • Barbara Flückiger, Prof. em. Dr. – UZH, Seminar für Filmwissenschaft
  • Thomas Friemel, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Communication and Media Research
  • Elvira Glaser, Prof. em. Dr. – UZH, Deutsches Seminar
  • Isabel Günther, Prof. Dr. – ETH, NADEL Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development
  • Ernst Hafen, Prof. em. Dr. – ETH, Inst. of Molecular Systems Biology
  • Richard Hahnloser, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Inst. für Neuroinformatik
  • Dirk Helbing, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Computational Social Science
  • Marianne Hundt, Prof. Dr. – UZH, English Departement
  • Johanna Jacobi, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Inst. of Agricultural Sciences
  • Hubert Klumpner, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Inst. for Landscape and Urban Studies
  • Andreas Krause, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Inst. for Machine Learning
  • Nicolas Langer, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Psychology
  • Mike Martin, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Psychology
  • Rahel Naef, Prof. Dr. – UZH & USZ, Implementation Science in Nursing
  • Milo Puhan, Prof. Dr. med. et phil. – UZH, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Inst.
  • Ross Purves, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Geography
  • Nora Maria Raschle, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Psychology / Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development
  • Robert Riener, Prof. Dr. – ETH, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab
  • Prasenjit Saha, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Inst. for Computational Science
  • Thomas Schlag, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Centre for Church Development
  • Jan Seibert, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Dep. of Geography
  • Uwe Serdült, Prof. Dr. – UZH/ZDA, Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau
  • Elisabeth Stark, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Romanisches Seminar, ZüKL
  • Michael Stauffacher, Prof. Dr. – ETH, TdLab, Inst. for Environmental Decisions
  • Effy Vayena, Prof. Dr. – ETH,  Inst. of Translational Medicine
  • Martin Volk, Prof. Dr. – UZH, Inst. für Computerlinguistik, ZüKL
  • Claudia Witt, Prof. Dr. med. – USZ, Inst. for Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Extraordinary Members

Associated Members

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Become our member

Are you interested in being part of Citizen Science Zurich and in shaping the future of Citizen Science together with us? Then apply for a membership! Memberships need to be approved by the General Assembly, which convenes around January each year. We are happy to hear from you!

Contact Alessandro Rearte