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Citizen Science Zurich

Meteo Alpen


In the mountains, weather forecasting remains a major challenge. Calculations of factors such as air circuation often remain inaccurate as there are relatively few measuring stations and terrains can change considerably in small areas.

About the project

With our project, we want to involve outdoor sportspeople in the collection of measurement data and thus enabling better forecasts. The dense and well-developed network of hiking trails is an opportunity to refine the coarse-meshed network of measuring stations.

With our project we want to

  1. test the performance of current weather models in areas that traditionally have a low density of measured data, and
  2. discuss the suitability of user-generated data for the improvement of weather models.

Weiterführende Informationen

Participation & project website

Would you like to participate and contribute to the project?

Chair of Bioethics, ETH Zurich

Open Mind Instititute (OMI)


Manuel Meyer
Open Mind Institute